Combi Double Strollers - Advantages and Disadvantages of This Type of Double Stroller

First introduced in 1997, Combi strollers have quickly become a mainstay in homes with small children the world over. One branch of their successful product line are double strollers for families with twins or more than one small child.

Kolcraft Contours Double

Ask any parent with more than one small child and they will give you a short list of features that are must-haves for a double stroller. One of those features is that the stroller be easily folded to get into the family vehicle. Combi double strollers boast a patented 3-Second Fold design that when compacted actually stands on its own.

Kolcraft Contours Double

Have an infant and a toddler? No problem for the Combi double strollers as they are designed to hold infant car seats and some models, such as the Twin Sport, even have an extendable canopy and infant safety boot to make certain infants are secure and protected. View-through canopy windows also make it easy for parents to peek in on their little ones without disturbing them or putting them in direct sunlight like other models that require the canopy be pulled back in order to view the child.

Wondering what the disadvantages of Combi double strollers may be? Some customers have reported that the storage baskets below the stroller seats are very compact and therefore don't hold much cargo. This can be a problem for a busy parent trying to do the family shopping without having to haul a second cart along. Other than the inconvenience of small storage capacity, Combi double strollers seem to get rave reviews from most parents.

Combi Double Strollers - Advantages and Disadvantages of This Type of Double Stroller
Kolcraft Contours Double